dimanche 16 septembre 2012

selected modern music #202 by O:liv

emptyset - divide - medium [subtext_2012]
mika vainio - magnetosphere - Fe3O4 - magnetite [touch_2012]
pearson sound - underdog - clutch/underdog/piston [hessle audio_2012]
Rrose - 23 lashes - preretinal [eaux_2012]
peter van hoesen - decoder - perceiver [time to express_2012]
darling farah - all eyes - body [civil music_2012]
cristian vogel - spectral transgression - the inertials [shitkatapult_2012]
artwork left : darling farah - body [civil music_2012]
artwork center : mika vainio - Fe3O4 - magnetite [touch_2012]
artwork right : emptyset - medium [subtext_2012]


White and Black http://www.mixcloud.com/selected_modern_music/selected-modern-music-202/
# download the mix

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