lundi 24 septembre 2012

selected modern music #203 by O:liv

death grips - @deathgripz - @deathgripz [adult swim_2012]
the gaslamp killer - seven years of bad luck for fun (feat. dimlite) - breakthrough [brainfeeder_2012]
DJ/PURPLE/IMAGE - 7 - head tear of the drunken sun [deep tapes_2012]
dan deacon - crash jam - america [domino_2012]
arandel - in d (remix by spitzer) - v/a infine exclusive 2012 [infiné_2012]
spitzer - serpentine - sergen EP [infiné_2012]
daphni - ye ye - jiaolong [merge records_2012]
noob - crumble (machinedrum remix) - unreleased [sntwn_2012]
artwork left : death grips - @deathgripz [adult swim_2012]
artwork center : daphni - jiaolong [merge_2012]
artwork right : DJ/PURPLE/IMAGE - head tear of the drunken sun [deep tapes_2012]

White and Black

# download the mix

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