mercredi 12 septembre 2012

selected modern music #201 by O:liv

animal collective - new town burnout - centipede Hz [domino_2012]
dan deacon - true thrush - america [domino_2012]
kindness - swingin' party - world, you need a change of mind [cooperative music_2012]
peaking lights - birds of paradise (xander harris remix) - 936 remixed [100% silk_2012]
dark sky - tremor - black rainbows EP [black acre_2012]
black orange juice - back of my car - back of my car EP [somethink sounds_2012]
maelstrom - outlast (2012 Milestone Mix) - generation [zone music_2012]
femme en fourrure - bronco - bronco (square mode remix) [top billin music_2011]
artwork left : dan deacon - america [domino records_2012]
artwork center : animal collective - centipede HZ [domino records_2012]
artwork right : maelstrom - generation [zone_2012]

White and Black

# download the mix

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