dimanche 17 mai 2009

selected modern music #99

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buraka som sistema - ic19 - black diamond [enchufada_2008]
dEbruit - congo woomp - clé de bras EP [musique large_2009]
two fingers - what you know (emalkay clean remix) - what you know EP [big dada_2009]
martyn - vancouver - great lengths [3024_2009]
kode9 - 2 far gone - black sun EP [hyperdub_2009]
moderat - seamonkey - s/t [bpitch control_2009]
the black dog - we are haunted - further vexations [soma records_2009]
louderbach - sunspots - autumn [M_nus_2009]
portradium - boxer - posters EP [PPT/stembogen_2009]
thop - amnesic - swarm shake [unsigned_2009]

artwork left : the black dog - further vexations [soma_2009]
artwork center : two fingers - what you know [big dada_2009]
artwork right : thop - swarm shake [unsigned_2009]

# download the mix [48"18/66,3 Mo - 192 Kbps]

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