lundi 26 novembre 2012

selected modern music #206 by O:liv

tussle - yume no muri - tempest [smalltown supersound_2012]
zombie zombie - foret vierge - rituels d'un nouveau monde [versatile records_2012]
deadbeat - horns of jericho - eight [blkrtz_2012]
barker & baumecker - spur - transsektoral [ostgut ton_2012]
tomas andersson - stickingar - v.a. new jack techno [turbo_2012]
bondax - baby I got that (justin martin endless summer remix) - baby I got that ep [just us rec._2012]
lakosa & iO - home early - home early ep [madtech records_2012]
shed - follow the leader - the killer [50 weapons_2012]
artwork left : bondax - I got that [just us rec._2012]
artwork center : shed - the killer [50 weapons_2012]
artwork right : lakosa & iO - home early [madtech_2012]

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