lundi 25 juin 2012

selected modern music #196 - minimix by O:liv

chelsea light moving - burroughs - unreleased [matador records_2012]
disappears - fear of darkness - pre language [kranky_2012]
a place to bury strangers - and I'm up - worship [dead oceans_2012]
led er est - arab tide - the diver [sacred bones records_2012]
the hundred in the hands - keep it low (andy stott remix) - keep it low [warp records_2012]
walls - sunporch (holy other mix) - coracle remixes [kompakt_2012]
artwork left : chelsea light moving - unreleased [matador_2012]
artwork center : disappears - pre language [kranky_2012]
artwork right : walls - coracle remixes [kompakt_2012]

White and Black

# download the mix

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