dimanche 8 janvier 2012

selected modern music #181


kingdom - hood by air theme - dreama EP [night slugs_2011]
nguzunguzu - mirage (girl unit remix) - mirage remixes [silverback recordings_2011]
panteros666 - horreo feat. club cheval - kegstand EP [sound pellegrino_2010]
objekt - the goose that got away - objekt #1 [objekt_2011]
sam tiba - 420 - black eyed weed [marble_2011]
leila - not having that - (disappointed_cloud) anyway [warp records_2011]
sawf - zelo - flaws [perc trax_2011]
lucy - eon - wordplay for working bees [stroboscopic artefacts_2011]

artwork left : lucy - wordplay for working bees - [stroboscopic artefacts_2011]
artwork center : sawf - flaws [perc trax_2011]
artwork right : sam tiba - black eyed weed [marble_2011]


# download the mix

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