lundi 28 février 2011

selected modern music #157

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alan vega with marc hurtado - war - sniper [le son du maquis _2011]
Æthenor - vivarium - en form for bla [vhf_2011]
hecq - sura (remix by matta) - sura [ad noiseam_2010]
aucan - underwater music - black rainbow [africantape_2011]
∆AIMON - exu rei - amen [tundra_2011]
stephan mathieu - a static place II - a static place [12k_2011]

artwork left : ∆AIMON - amen [tundra_2010]
artwork middle : aucan - black rainbow [africantape_2011]
artwork right : Æthenor - en form for bla [vhf_2011]

# download the mix [43"42/105 mo - 320 Kbps]

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