dimanche 21 juillet 2013

selected modern music #227 "at least mix" by julien coudreuse

shigeto - detroit part 1 - detroit part 1 [ghostly international_2013]
ZK bucket - let your body cntrl the beat - reptile wins EP [zaun records_2013]
christopher schwarzwälder - barely legal - akumal EP [laut & luise_2012]
christophe feat. danielle moore - comeback (casino times remix) - comeback EP [futureboogie recordings_2013]
isolée - dennis - dennis EP [tamed musiq_2013]
siriusmo - liu - enthusiast [monkeytown records_2013]
beastie boys - the negotiation limerick file - hello nasty [capitol records_1998]
artwork left : christopher schwarzwälder - akumal EP [laut & luise_2012]
artwork center : shigeto - detroit part 1 - detroit part 1 [ghostly international_2013]
artwork right : ZK bucket - let your body cntrl the beat - reptile wins EP [zaun records_2013]


mardi 16 juillet 2013

selected modern music #226 by O:liv

moiré - i don't get it - rolx [rudolph records_2013]
cosmin TRG - defeated hearts club - gordian [50 weapons_2013]
four tet - lion (jamie XX remix) - jupiters/lion (remixes) [text records_2013]
blondes - wire - swisher [rvng intl_2013]
fuck buttons - hidden XS - slow focus [ATP recordings_2013]
deadbeat - as we conquer - primordia [intr.version_2013]
artwork left : moiré - rolx [rush hour_2013]
artwork center : fuck buttons - slow focus [ATP recordings_2013]
artwork right : cosmin TRG - gordian [50 weapons_2013]


mardi 9 juillet 2013

selected modern music #225 by O:liv

young echo - nexus - nexus [R A M P_2013]
airhead - callow - for years [R&S_2013]
james holden - renata (steve moore remix) - renata ep [border community_2013]
mount kimbie - you took your time (ft. king krule) - cold spring fault less youth [warp records_2013]
animal collective - monkey riches (teengirl fantasy remix) - monkey been to burn town [domino_2013]
machinedrum - eyesdontlie - eyesdontlie ep [ninja tune_2013]
mark pritchard - ghosts - ghosts ep [warp records_2013]
jon hopkins - breathe this air - immunity [domino_2013]
artwork left : machinedrum - eyesdontlie [ninja tune_2013]
artwork center : young echo - nexus [R A M P_2013]
artwork right : mark pritchard - ghost ep [warp_2013]


selected modern music #224 - minimix

oOoOO - mouchette - without your love [N I H J G T // F E E L I N G S_2013]
liars - perfume tear - I saw you from the lifeboat/perfume tear [mute_2013]
blondes - rei - swisher [rvng intl_2013]
fuck buttons - sentients - slow focus [ATP recordings_2013]
blackmail - concrete heap (cosmo vitelli remix) - remixe [I'm a cliché_2013]
artwork left : blondes - swisher [RVNG Intl._2013]
artwork center : oOoOO - without your love [nihjgt feelings_2013]
artwork right : liars - I saw you from the lifeboat/perfume tear [mute_2013]
