dimanche 4 mars 2012

selected modern music #188 by O:liv


kyoka - HADue - ununpentium/iSH [raster-noton_2012]
monolake - aligning the daemon - ghosts [imbalance computer music_2012]
elgato - blue - tonight/blue [hessle audio_2010]
damu - breathless - unity [keysound recordings_2011]
sully - encona - carrier [keysound recordings_2011]
objekt - cactus - cactus/porcupine [hessle audio_2012]
cyrus - hot pan - hot pan [get darker_2012]
pinch & shackleton - monks on the rum - pinch & shackleton [honest jon's records_2011]

artwork left : pinch & shackleton - s/t [honest jon's records_2012]
artwork center : damu - unity [keysound recordings_2011]
artwork right : monolake - ghosts [monolake/imbalance computer music_2012]

White and Black http://www.mixcloud.com/selected_modern_music/selected-modern-music-188/

# download the mix